Taken A Life

I have taken a life
Life which the almighty himself  have given
Life which is given to all who lives

Even though it was a mistake
Even though it happened  unknowingly, in the aim to help
I have committed a crime
I have become  a murderer
I have become the devil
I have taken away a child from it's mother
A soul from a body
More importantly life for an being

I m very sorry for what i have done
I never wanted this to happen
I  wanted u to live
I wanted  things to  be easier
I wanted better than what u had
This is because of my impatience
This is because of my over-confidence that i possess
I have taken your life, a Right to live

Now I m unable to being u back
Let u  see the wanders of this worlds
Forgive me  ooh! "the holy almighty " who had seen it all
Forgive me  ooh! "the holy earth" who had it  heard all
Forgive me ohh! "the holy soul" whose life i have taken
I am feeling very guilty for what i have done
This have become of one of the important lesson  that i have learn

But now u know it all
What i was trying to do!
& What had happened!
Even though My words is worthless
Even though it's an excuse for the great crime i have committed
I'm  just expressing my feelings
Just asking apologies to the soul which never dies

Now i shall help every single-being that will ever live
Now i won't be impatient as i was
Now i will think 1000 times before  taking any action

Rest in peace oh!"Holy soul" Rest in peace!


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