
There are some questions in my mind.
Whose answers is what i m trying find.
Unknown of the reality
In the process of living
I m a  being so called human
Who is bounded with rules
Traped by responsibilities
Blind by religion.....

My mind is asking some questions
Whose answer are unknown
Little psychopathic & a little weird
For  What is the reason I am living this life?
What is the purpose do I serve ? 
What  is it that i m missing?
What is it that will give me satisfaction ?
What is this emptyness?
Who is God?

I'm confused of myself & of the system
All the sea of feeling 
Cosmos of emotion
& infinite no. thoughts
What r these really for?
Just thinking about this
Increases my questions more & more
M i the only one or r there other like me ?
Is this what growing up really means?
Or am i  going through a psychological breakdown
Or is it just one of my day dream thoughts.....


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