Let me embrace those wings which I could never have,
Let me fly through that horizon from where the sun sets,
Let me feel the air which we breathe,
Let me see the world from up above from an eye of a bird,

Not bounded by any religion,
Not ruled by any kings,
Nor discriminated by gender or sex,
I want to go to a place far, far beyond,
A place which you can never imagine by your mind alone,
A place which you cannot describe in words alone,
A place which cannot be pictured by a camera,
For it’s real beauty is your own experience,
For it’s real existence is unknown,

May be just for once,
Just a tiny little glance,
Just for a tiny little moment,

For I’m trapped of those rules,
For I’m blinded because of the culture,
For I have become self-centric because of my own religion,
Let me get out of this room in which I m a prisoner,
Let me get out of his society which is my prison,
I want to know freedom,
I want to know adventure,
I want to know myself,

May be just for once,
Just a tiny little glance,
Just for a tiny little moment,
Let me!!! Let me out  !! Let me go!!


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