All leading to emptiness !!

Where does he begin ?
As his emotions collide,

Smashing and boiling inside himself,
As he smiles,
How will he explain ?

As his heart cries from deep within ?
Where should he start ?
As he himself starting to disappear from his own individuality !

Kindness is such,

He wants to make another smile,
Sadness is such,

He has no-one to share the sorrows,

The invisible tears,

He shared every moment,
The invisible amazement that,

He feels in every moment ,


Yet knowing it's gonna to die.
Existing this moment !!

Yet knowing it will get extinct.

The sorrow of a fellow human whom no one can understand,
A story of a free boy who can see invisible chains everywhere,
A story of a seeker who seeks,

All the regrets he had,
All the mistakes he committed,
All the things he did,
Not even a single tear can he shared ,
It seems to be a strength of the rock not of the flower,
Today without any concerns coming out as an invisible flood.

The wound of the invisible cut,
A wound of the soul not of the flesh ,
A wound of the heart not of the head.
A mountain melting in thousands way possible,
The running rivers that are being created.

It's something he can't put in words but
Can be seen in his eyes.


He wants cry..
He wants cry..
As if a mountain melting into thousands and one river.
All leading to emptiness...
All leading to emptiness..


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