Taste of Love

There was this sudden over owning surrounding from all side,
There was this sense of relief!
Something or someone from inside
whispered, "IT'S ALRIGHT!"

All those anxiety, insecurities,
All those creeping fears,
All those dreams and nightmares!
It felt as if they never had been there!
Sense of time was gone!
Sense of mind was gone!
All there was,
Was this feeling called "love"

It was all because of this girl sitting next to him,
Those long hours of chitchat and mumbling,
That sweet smile which use to mesmerize him,
That tight comforting hug,
There was nothing special about it,
Yet that hug was so relieving,
It just like a dose of marijuana without any THC in it,
All those silly gestures and useless talks,
She was just a commoner just like everyone else,
Yet she had this charisma all around,

His eyes would stare at her for hours without a blink,
For it was the foremost beauty he had ever seen,
His mouth used to get zipped up,
Cause there was no word to be spoken,
Those gestures and posture she had,
Were of the angels
You could only see and cherish it!

He may not have dive deep down into this for long,
It was just a glimpse, 
Even though it was just for some days, 
Even though it had it's limits
Even though she had already fallen for someone,
But he had just witnessed a new perspective of life, 
Full of laughter, Full of joy, full of happiness

He was lucky enough to have a little taste of this mysterious phenomenon called "love"
Even though he knew she won't be there forever,
Even though he knew she was of someone else,
But for him forever meant nothing,
For he had experience eternity in her,
He had already been lost,
He had already dissolved into the tea
he had just tasted....!
(Yet no one could see the emptiness he had become after he ......)


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