This story ended too But with (Silence)............

Where shall we begin?
With that sparkling eyes of hers?
Or that cute & honest smile she had on her face,
With those silly gestures, she used to make?
Or with the funny little talks?
Where do we begin?
Should we talk about the mesmerizing self-fulfilling beauty!
Or should we talk about the clean, clear, confidence heart she possessed!

He happened to cross path
With this beautiful alien in the form of a human,
Who seems to be on earth,
Yet seems to be from somewhere unknown,

She had this charisma of attracting people,
She had this aroma of hypnotism all around,
She was of few feminine spirits who were on their own path,
She seems alienated
Yet so courageous to walk alone,

Maybe it was fate,
Or maybe it was his destiny trying to show him a new door,
Showing him a new dimension of living,
He can't remember when they first met,
But it seems he had found yet another teacher,

Before he was a Just a "seeker",
Seeking to let go of his "SELF",
Now he is just a person who is seeking,
Not attached to any personality nor any individuality,
Before he was an Agnostic,
In a search,
Now he has become a Theist,
How can he not Acknowledge!!!
 The 8th wonder he is just witnessing,

To his amazement,
She had already taught him"The Art of Selfishness",
With him knowing it,
He never knew "Selfishness" had such a "Bliss" on itself,
Maybe that was what he had missed all these time,
Just being "SELF"
He remembered all the random talks they had,
The ideas they exchanged and
Things they did....!

Differences were humongous,
Two strangers not related by blood,
Two strangers chasing their own dreams,
Two strangers from different sex, caste, and culture,
Yet there was a familiar fragrance all around,
Yet it seems he knew her more than himself,

For the first time, he was at ease.
He wasn't with his family nor with a friend nor with a lover...
It never was a relationship
It was just this state of being,
A state he cannot drag down by minor words,
It could only be felt,

For the 1st time, somebody had hugged him
For who he is!
Not for who he was!
Or who he could have been!
For the 1st time, a stranger seems to so own and familiar,
It felt like she was the piece of the riddle he was in search of ...
For the 1st time, there was someone he could name "HIS"
Now he can finally let go of the madness which was caged deep down,
For the 1st time, he felt like he had met his Harley Quinn,
Now he could finally take off the mask of sanity,
And go back being the JOKER he always wanted to be!

He can never forget that tight hug,
For the sweet innocent teardrops, she had shred
It broke the crystallized diamond-like heart he had,
Which seemed so sparkling and shining
Yet so burden full and heavy,
Now he too wanted to shed some tears
Now he too wanted to hold someone tight,

That moment taught him to become the "LOVE",
Rather than becoming a "LOVER" who everyone else acted to be!
What had happened was still a mystery but 
What is happening is mystical and blissful in all possible ways...

But Like every other story,
this story has an end too
But with silence............

( He died in the very instance when she hugged him
Now what remains is only LOVE experiencing itself )


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