I wanna be a TREE !!

For I look with amazement 
For what I see,
A strange structure standing in front of me,
It looks like a rock,
Yet so alive!
As if like a living human being,
It looks like as if it's dancing with innermost joy,
yet so still,
It never moved an inch,

When the wind blows and the bird's sing,
When the insects Buzz Bees and Wasps,
Listening to it,
Enjoying it!
Laughing and singing along with all its being

I wanna be a tree!!
No violence and no sorrows
Free from people,
And free from this world...
I wanna be a tree !!
Standing still with silence
With love and compassion
No Jealousy nor hate,
No ego nor faith,
No friends nor any enemies,
No pain or any chains,


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